About Kahortage
Kahortage is a non-for-profit organization that exists to:
- Provide technical guidelines to MoH, Public Health Departments, healthcare providers, and patients
- Develop local and national disease surveillance systems to monitor communicable diseases posing threats to the public and patients
- Train certified and competent Infection Control Professionals for Somalis
Mission and Mission
Vision: Healthcare environment that is safe for patients andhealthcare workers
Mission: To promote strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections, multi-drug resistant organisms, and other emerging and transmissible infections.
Kahortage aa urur samafal oo aan ahayn mid ganacsi oo u taagan:
- In uu talooyin ku salaysan cilmi-baadhis siiyo wasaaradaha caafimaadka, hay’adaha caafimaadka bulshada, xarumaha caafimaad, iyo bukaanka
- In uu hore u mariyo hababka dabagalka cudurada (disaese surveillance) si loola socdo heerka cudurada faafaa ugu dhex faafayaan ama dhacayaan bulshada ivo bukaanka
- In uu dadka Soomaaliyeed u tabobaro oo tusaaleeyo xirfadleyaal karti iyo aqoonsi u haysta kahortagga cudurada faafa
Hiigsiga iso Howlgalka
Hiigsiga: Daryeel caafimaad oo aan halis ku hayn bukaanka iyo shaqaalaha caafimaad
Howlgalka: Horumarinta xeeladaha lagaga hortago caabuqyada la xidhiidha daryeelka caafimaad, caabuq-keeneyaasha aan nugleyn, iyo cudurada kale ee faafa ee ku cusub dunida.